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IBG 24 ALEMANIA Stuttgart... FEST,MANU 29/07/2024 07/08/2024

Music Festival Stuttgart | IBG 24 | 2024-07-29 - 2024-08-07 | FEST,MANU | Age: 18 - 26

In summer, Stuttgart hosts a variety of music festivals and events. One of those festivals – called “Umsonst & Draussen” (German for "free of charge & outdoors") – will take place in the middle of Vaihingen, an outer city student- district of Stuttgart. The festival will run for three days, from 2nd to 4th of August (www.ud-stuttgart.de). “Umsonst & Draussen” is organized in a participative way, where everyone can come and take part. It is the biggest non-commercial music-politics-culture festival in Stuttgart. It has been running in that unique and quite anarchic way for over 40 years now! Since 2013, the festival has been hosting Workcamps and the international volunteers have become an important part in the festival organisation.

Work: Become part of a festival crew and support the organization of a non-profit, free music festival in Stuttgart! Your international group will work with many other local volunteers. The main tasks will be the setting up of the stage, stalls and tents on the site of the festival, as well as the disassembly at the end. While the festival is running, your group of volunteers will assist in different areas: bar, stage, organisation, catering etc. You will also have time to enjoy the festival yourself! Volunteers should be flexible enough to work long and unusual hours – and enjoy music! Speaking or understanding basic German will be a plus. Your group might be asked to give a short presentation of the Workcamp on stage!

Accomodation and food: In the first two days, you will be hosted in a cultural centre in Stuttgart, where there is a kitchen and sanitary facilities. You will be sleeping in the building’s hall, where a stage is. We advise sightseeing in the first two days (Monday and Tuesday). On the third day, you will move to the site of the festival. There you will be camping in a big tent, all together. Please bring your own camping mat and sleeping bag. We encourage you to bring your own tent, if possible! Food will be available through the food stands, until the end of the camp, so you will not have to cook for yourselves. Sanitary facilities are given, but be aware of very basic festival standards: You will most likely be able to use the showers in the youth centre nearby (has to be confirmed) otherwise only cold, outdoor showers available and there is limited privacy compared to “regular” accommodations!

Location: Stuttgart

Location and Leisure: With 600,000 inhabitants, Stuttgart is the state-capital of Baden-Württemberg. From museums, to castles and parks, to an afternoon spent shopping, this city offers something for everyone to see! Within a short train ride, you can also enjoy the variety of nature around Stuttgart. The city is surrounded by beautiful vineyards and hills. You could also visit some of the other interesting towns in the area, like Tübingen (approximately 1 hour away) and Ludwigsburg (approximately 30 minutes away), both accessible by public transportation.

Airport: STR

Train/Bus station: Stuttgart (train station)

Requirements: We ask for a motivation letter to be sent with the application!

In your infosheet, you will receive detailed information how to get from Stuttgart train station to the cultural centre where you will be staying for the first nights.

Language: eng

Extra Fee: 0